Tabernacles Corporation exists to improve the communities and the lives of the people who live in them through neighboorhood revitilizaiton, spiritual renewal, health restoration, economic education, social outreach, and habitat conservation. We believe that healthier communities can start with small beginnings and evolve to create big impacts.


Our projects educate and involve community residents in the cleanup, beautification, and preservation of habitats primarily in the Southeast Missouri Bootheel and surrounding regions; utilizing vacant land to support community health and wellness. Our beautification projects will include planting native wildflowers meadows which are integral to the survival of pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Native Wildflower meadows give pollinators a nectar buffet to feed on all season long, plus, they are good for the environment by helping to reduce air pollution and sequester or remove, carbon from the air.

We have found that before we can beautify, we must educate ourselves on the impact of the trash littered in our communities, along our roadways, and in waterways. This sparked our first cleanup project called, Talkin’ Trash – Community Cleanup, to transform a negative phrase into a positive action in the communities of our hometowns which were the foundational building blocks of our lives.

Our projects are staffed by volunteers who are all around passionate about making a positive impact in our communities. We are forever grateful for each volunteer and sincerely appreciate the time given to improve our hometowns.

We began considering ways to express our temporary human experience here on earth. The human body is considered a temporary dwelling place for the soul. One of the definitions of the word tabernacle is a temporary shelter or dwelling place, hence Tabernacles is a plural expression of our human experience as we gather, dwell, and rejoice together in ways that inspire our hearts, minds, and souls to be well.